The Salernum Vites Consortium is part of the national bodies for the protection and development of wine and viticulture.
Established in July 2012, it obtained ministerial recognition, with the related release of the “erga omnes” power, on 09/06/2015 with Decree n. 42292. The Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, pursuant to art. 17 paragraph 1 and 4 of the d. lgs 8 April 2010 n. 61, recognized it as “Consorzio di Tutela for the DOP Cilento and Castel San Lorenzo and the PGI Paestum and Colli di Salerno”.
The decree was published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale (GU) Series General n.151 of 2 July 2015, thus becoming definitively executive and applicable throughout the national territory.
This recognition consists in the assignment to the Consortium of the task to perform the functions of protection, supervision, promotion and enhancement, of consumer information and general care of the interests related to the Cilento Dop, Dop Castel San Lorenzo, Igp Paestum, Igp Colli of Salerno.
From 2012 to today, the Consortium has managed to incorporate the majority of producers in the DO and GI of the area of competence and has gained the support of institutions at regional, national and European level.
Currently the Consortium counts 82 certification partners divided into three professional categories:
winegrowers, winemakers, bottlers in the wine’s production chain of all DOs and GIs falling within the entire province of Salerno.
The birth of the Salernum Vites Consortium can be considered a very important milestone for the entire area of Salerno which bases its identity on the agri-food wealth of which the wine is a worthy representative. The synergistic commitment of all the associates and institutions that cooperate with the Consortium will be to enhance and promote the wines of Salerno with the denomination DO and IG following some precise directives: the tight link with the territory; the local oenological and gastronomic tradition; the unique quality and distinction of wines made in Salerno.